Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, we are required to fully comply with the terms of our liquor licence.

Underage restrictions

Under 18 year old's, when NOT accompanied by their Parent or Legal Guardian, may ONLY be on the premises between opening and 10:00 pm. They may NOT occupy the 'BOOTH' area (Tables 1 through 4).

After this time the entire premise is 'supervised' which means they MUST be accompanied by their Parent or Legal Guardian.

Parent means natural, adoptive, or foster parent. Guardian means a person who has all the duties, powers, rights, and responsibilities that a parent has in bringing up their child. Establishing legal guardianship required a formal legal process.

Good Friday, Easter Sunday Christmas Day or before 1:oo pm on Anzac Day

Alcohol can ONLY be sold to a person on the premise to dine (Dinning is defined as more than an hour before a person starts, or is due to start eating a meal; or more than an hour after he or she finishes a meal. If they are outside these constraints they are unauthorized.

These restrictions take effect from midnight. On Thursday before Good Friday, Saturday before Easter Sunday, on Christmas Eve, and on the evening before Anzac Day, we are required to cease the sale of alcohol at midnight.

One Way Door

From Monday 08th July 2024 the One Way Door NO LONGER APPLIES. Until then a One Way Door is operated from 2:00am each day until licence closing at 3am. No entry, exit only from this time.

New Latest Closing time from Monday 8th July 2024 is 02:00am

On Licence

All alcohol is sold for consumption on the premises ONLY. No alcohol may be removed from or brought onto the license area.